Logo CIAC Impresa sociale ETS
WHAT WE DO(current)

Terra d'asilo

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The first SPRAR project in the area, it was founded in 2004 with the Municipality of Fidenza and provides for the reception of 99 migrants, men, women and single parents in the districts of Fidenza and Southeast. 5 places are reserved for the reception in families - RIF .  In small apartments, in small towns or mountain villages, projects have been created to meet the needs of people starting from the resources of the territory. In San Secondo there is a small social garden, in Sissa and Trecasali women with their children meet in the recreational center created thanks to the project "Parole di mamma" and there are occasions for intercultural dinners - Atlante dell'ora di cena.


The project, owned by the Municipality of Fidenza, provides for the reception and protection of 5 people who present psycho-physical vulnerability. The paths of people who present this profile are followed by CIAC in close collaboration with the CSM, the CISS and the Social Services of the territory.

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