Logo CIAC Impresa sociale ETS
WHAT WE DO(current)

Raise Awareness

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If you have the right to divide the world into Italians and foreigners then I claim the right to divide the world into dispossessed and oppressed on the one hand, privileged and oppressors on the other. Some are my homeland, the others my foreigners.”  ”

Don Lorenzo Milani
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Post-truth, populism, fake news, hate speech - these terms all share a common thread: immigration. Some exploit fear, creating a distorted reality that does not reflect the truth. That’s why one of our primary missions is to explain, inform, and foster understanding.  
We do this by sharing people’s stories, delving into key issues, and communicating who we are, what we do, and what we stand for.  
Our efforts include direct communication with local, national, and international media. We organize street demonstrations and activities in schools. We also experiment with innovative forms of storytelling, such as web documentaries and the Atlas of Dinner Time. Most importantly, we strive to actively involve migrant citizens, starting with them and working alongside them.  

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Rights. Citizenship. Immigration. Asylum. Countries of origin. Europe. Integration. Racism and anti-racism. Wars and pacifism.
Important themes for the citizens of today and tomorrow, which can be found out, deepened and experienced through participatory and interactive tools, addressed to groups of children, teenagers or adults.


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