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Wel-fare community

AGRICOLTURAThe project WEL-FARE COMUNITÁ. Territori accoglienti per uno sviluppo inclusivo, carried out in the municipalities of Parma and San Secondo P.se, aims to promote the reception and socio-occupational integration of refugees and migrants within the framework of a broader inclusive community development.
The project strategy is based on the need to promote and strengthen the model of Community Based Protection for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees that - starting from the experience of SPRAR - is constitutive and generative of community welfare, or social welfare. The objective is therefore to ensure coexistence and cohesion of all components of the community of people who live in a territory, promoting tools and paths that allow to counter exclusion and isolation of citizenship, caused by economic, cultural and ethnic, linguistic, social, age or social context fragility.

There are 4 areas of intervention:

Participatory planning and evaluation: provides for the consolidation of local networks and the development of effective and inclusive integration strategies

Housing autonomy and social mediation: reception and social mediation services for 8 refugees residing in the Municipality of Parma

Territorial development and tools for socio-work autonomy: orientation to services and opportunities in the area, training and orientation to work 

Inclusive community development and pilot paths of integrated community development: activation of Territorial Tutors for Integration, promotion of socializing workshops and empowermant of transversal skills, carried out in collaboration with the Cooperative Connessioni, design and planning of the realization of an educational orchard whose realization has been suspended due to COVID, but that will see its birth in autumn 2021.


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